

AuthorCommitMessageCommit dateIssues
DE4NRO Andreas NerothGerrit Herzig DH8GHHDE4NRO Andreas Neroth
9fa08d263beMPull request #147: Rename callMerge in TRF/darc-treff-ansible from rename_call to main * commit 'be1173ed534eacb27e00befc1ac79c0f6b04d75e': Added new call also to the comment section of SSH Key Changed call from de4nro to dl4nro
DE4NRO Andreas NerothDE4NRO Andreas Neroth
be1173ed534Added new call also to the comment section of SSH Key
DE4NRO Andreas NerothDE4NRO Andreas Neroth
3d17e9e8fc9Changed call from de4nro to dl4nro
DL3SD Sebastian DenzGerrit Herzig DH8GHHDL3SD Sebastian Denz
d9028d0a6cdMPull request #146: Add /video pathMerge in TRF/darc-treff-ansible from fix_download_uris to main * commit 'f63c9b5e36ae025673439b1cbe206528a7b43f62': Add /video path
Sebastian DenzSebastian Denz
f63c9b5e36aAdd /video path
DL3SD Sebastian DenzGerrit Herzig DH8GHHDL3SD Sebastian Denz
5ff687e5146MPull request #145: See in TRF/darc-treff-ansible from try_to_fix_firefox_1010 to main * commit '40477cde9f202df6d461b878ad7343680bcb0339': See
Sebastian DenzSebastian Denz
Gerrit Herzig DH8GHHDE4NRO Andreas NerothGerrit Herzig DH8GHH
f9d134bf078MPull request #144: Added Youth CategoryMerge in TRF/darc-treff-ansible from TRFWEB-180-2-neue-kalenderkategorien to main * commit '805427629c72f7d92843e169ccfce22fa77dcdf7': Added Youth CategoryTRFWEB-180
DE4NRO Andreas NerothGerrit Herzig DH8GHHDE4NRO Andreas Neroth
81a5ba5114cMPull request #143: Bugfix/bbb playback videoMerge in TRF/darc-treff-ansible from bugfix/bbb-playback-video to main * commit 'ea4a1127fee6888f98266065ee8449d0ab11d888': Added handlers and correct replacement of footer try to fix bbb recordings with bbb-playback-video package
DE4NRO Andreas NerothDE4NRO Andreas Neroth
ea4a1127feeAdded handlers and correct replacement of footer
DE4NRO Andreas NerothDE4NRO Andreas Neroth
9c226b88a17try to fix bbb recordings with bbb-playback-video package
Matthias JungMatthias Jung
805427629c7Added Youth Category
DL3SD Sebastian DenzDL3SD Sebastian Denz
e4d974e5905MPull request #141: Feature/update to bbb 2.7.xMerge in TRF/darc-treff-ansible from feature/update_to_bbb_2.7.x to main * commit 'c98079916537f636162e718549e3bffe21dc2d8b': Add Ruby Packages for bbb-recorder Removed grafana version && changed serve_from_sub_path from true to false Changed name & uid of grafana dashboards to be unique & set grafana version to 9.5.14 Modified configs and tasks for BBB 2.7.X Update
Patrick HenkelmannPatrick Henkelmann
c9807991653Add Ruby Packages for bbb-recorder
DE4NRO Andreas NerothDE4NRO Andreas Neroth
197e2dec042Removed grafana version && changed serve_from_sub_path from true to false
DE4NRO Andreas NerothDE4NRO Andreas Neroth
fa5f93b6ec3Changed name & uid of grafana dashboards to be unique & set grafana version to 9.5.14
DE4NRO Andreas NerothDE4NRO Andreas Neroth
3e78de394acModified configs and tasks for BBB 2.7.X Update
DE4NRO Andreas NerothGerrit Herzig DH8GHHDE4NRO Andreas Neroth
2b324aa37d5MPull request #140: Bugfix/TRF-166 bbb 2.6.9 rendern der aufnahmen brokenMerge in TRF/darc-treff-ansible from bugfix/TRF-166-bbb-2.6.9-rendern-der-aufnahmen-broken to main * commit 'c299144574ab6b2524c40c66e6c09a87138bfad8': Added new role Renamed tags and changed roles for bbb-recorder Removed old bbb-video-download functionality Changed bbb-video-download source and removed patch stepTRF-166
DE4NRO Andreas NerothDE4NRO Andreas Neroth
c299144574aAdded new role
DE4NRO Andreas NerothDE4NRO Andreas Neroth
8329221a0f9Renamed tags and changed roles for bbb-recorder
DE4NRO Andreas NerothDE4NRO Andreas Neroth
6fcca7379b6Removed old bbb-video-download functionality
DE4NRO Andreas NerothDE4NRO Andreas Neroth
d9fac01a99fChanged bbb-video-download source and removed patch step
DE4NRO Andreas NerothDL3SD Sebastian DenzDE4NRO Andreas Neroth
46cd2b86a96MPull request #138: Update bbb to 2.6Merge in TRF/darc-treff-ansible from update-bbb-to-2.6 to main * commit '23099f8ddf252693b8a9d543071671c4f21fd7ca': Changed back to LimitNOFILE Remove ppa based Nginx installation from Ubuntu 16.04 Remove submodule foo and use ebbba.bigbluebutton via requirements.yml (Hopefully) pinned the ansible-role-bigbluebutton repo to tag v2.6.7 Updated ansible-role-bigbluebutton submodule Up...BBB-2
DE4NRO Andreas NerothDE4NRO Andreas Neroth
23099f8ddf2Changed back to LimitNOFILE
Sebastian DenzSebastian Denz
2aab7e4284fRemove ppa based Nginx installation from Ubuntu 16.04
Sebastian DenzSebastian Denz
d5b5c72b10fRemove submodule foo and use ebbba.bigbluebutton via requirements.yml
DE4NRO Andreas NerothDE4NRO Andreas Neroth
8a0832129b1(Hopefully) pinned the ansible-role-bigbluebutton repo to tag v2.6.7
DE4NRO Andreas NerothDE4NRO Andreas Neroth
aef5e64fe94Updated ansible-role-bigbluebutton submodule
DE4NRO Andreas NerothDE4NRO Andreas Neroth
11c13c29f19Updated to last version in role/ansible-role-bigbluebutton
DE4NRO Andreas NerothDE4NRO Andreas Neroth
75a9394a012MMerge branch 'main' into update-bbb-to-2.6
DL3SD Sebastian DenzDE4NRO Andreas NerothDL3SD Sebastian Denz
4300aedf1f8MPull request #139: Set permissions for folder instead of possibly gone privkey1.pemMerge in TRF/darc-treff-ansible from fix_turn_letsencrypt to main * commit '242c690e3b6c42e1e50dc00a7461970ed240d844': Set permissions for folder instead of possibly gone privkey1.pem
Sebastian DenzSebastian Denz
242c690e3b6Set permissions for folder instead of possibly gone privkey1.pem
DL3SD Sebastian DenzDE4NRO Andreas NerothDL3SD Sebastian Denz
5ffcead234eMPull request #137: Set permissions for folder instead of possibly gone privkey1.pemMerge in TRF/darc-treff-ansible from fix_turn_letsencrypt to main * commit 'da46600533043b1afe18f97b7e1f3986b3e2989d': Set permissions for folder instead of possibly gone privkey1.pem
DE4NRO Andreas NerothDE4NRO Andreas Neroth
22dd1be5844Update ansible-role-bigbluebutton to bbb/2.6
DE4NRO Andreas NerothDE4NRO Andreas Neroth
93f289945c6Modifications for BBB-2.6BBB-2
Sebastian DenzSebastian Denz
da466005330Set permissions for folder instead of possibly gone privkey1.pem
Gerrit Herzig DH8GHHDE4NRO Andreas NerothGerrit Herzig DH8GHH
37ec0789cd2MPull request #136: dev.treff und mydarc korrigiertMerge in TRF/darc-treff-ansible from bugfix/TRF-162-die-faq-verlinkt-auf-den-dev to main * commit '81848805354e5aa87c931dca884c271b4ee79796': dev.treff und mydarc korrigiertTRF-162
Gerrit Herzig DH8GHHGerrit Herzig DH8GHH
81848805354dev.treff und mydarc korrigiert
DL3SD Sebastian DenzDE4NRO Andreas NerothDL3SD Sebastian Denz
aef753907dfMPull request #135: Add autoremove to cleanup old kernelsMerge in TRF/darc-treff-ansible from add_autoremove to main * commit '3cf8a2ccbc09969b245501b347d22990cc18a20f': Add autoremove to cleanup old kernels
Sebastian DenzSebastian Denz
3cf8a2ccbc0Add autoremove to cleanup old kernels
DL3SD Sebastian DenzDE4NRO Andreas NerothDL3SD Sebastian Denz
ec15f3c5188MPull request #134: Add to scraping targetsMerge in TRF/darc-treff-ansible from feature/add_social_darc_de to main * commit 'bee4e2d918c8f204e72ee79cd049b454cde009c2': Add user for monitoring access Add to scraping targets
Sebastian DenzSebastian Denz
bee4e2d918cAdd user for monitoring access
Sebastian DenzSebastian Denz
f94a645f4f6Add to scraping targets
Prof.Dr. Matthias Jung DL9MJGerrit Herzig DH8GHHProf.Dr. Matthias Jung DL9MJ
4503807c8f1MPull request #133: Fixed URLsMerge in TRF/darc-treff-ansible from feature/new-interface-with-filter to main * commit '3797beca6b547f803ebf5653c46f0184f9a438cd': Fixed URLs
Matthias JungMatthias Jung
3797beca6b5Fixed URLs
DE4NRO Andreas NerothGerrit Herzig DH8GHHDE4NRO Andreas Neroth
ff4449916ffMPull request #132: Feature/TRFWEB-169 zutritt via pretix ticketMerge in TRF/darc-treff-ansible from feature/TRFWEB-169-zutritt-via-pretix-ticket to main * commit 'a4bfae6c729b385267fd25b838a5858701e32bc3': Added pretixApiKeys in bbb-frontend module Add encrypted pwds for pretixTRFWEB-169
Prof.Dr. Matthias Jung DL9MJGerrit Herzig DH8GHHProf.Dr. Matthias Jung DL9MJ
61747fc82f9MPull request #131: New interface with filterMerge in TRF/darc-treff-ansible from feature/new-interface-with-filter to main * commit '8d495623c4b043d72e1d9cc06308887854232311': Fixed typo New interface with filter
DE4NRO Andreas NerothDE4NRO Andreas Neroth
a4bfae6c729Added pretixApiKeys in bbb-frontend module
DE4NRO Andreas NerothDE4NRO Andreas Neroth
6a476e7bdaaAdd encrypted pwds for pretix
Matthias JungMatthias Jung
8d495623c4bFixed typo